2015/04/23 クイーンズランド大学の日本人学生のニュース記事のご紹介【MEC留学】


ブリスベンのクイーンズランド大学で学ぶ日本人学生が、ジャパン・ニューズ*の「Living & Learning: Japanese students overseas」というコラムで紹介されました。その名はSatoshi Tamuraさん。記事は、オーストラリアで学ぶ醍醐味を読者に生き生きと伝えてくれる内容になっています。ぜひ、オーストラリア留学の先輩としてぜひ一読してみてください。以下に、記事引用(英文)と弊社で作成した訳文を掲載いたします。


Living & Learning: Japanese students overseas / Univ. of Queensland teaches joy of diversity


The word “diversity” popped into my mind when I was asked to write about the University of Queensland(UQ). Not just of nationality or race, although it is not rare to step into a room where you hear more than three languages spoken, as one out of five students at the school is international. Beliefs and backgrounds are also diverse here. I see a rather skinny hippie and a gym fanatic enjoying their conversation here and there, for example. But what truly broadened my horizons was an encounter with a person who was debating their own gender identity. Currently feeling that they are neither exclusively female or male, but both at the same time. The person said, “I want to be both and neither.” You are free to express who you truly are at UQ.

I was given a chance to express myself when my assignments in three subjects(you only need to take four subjects per semester in Australia)were related to Japanese whaling in the Antarctic Sea. In 2013, the dichotomy between pro- and antiwhaling was sharper than ever, and my program was one in which antiwhaling students tend to enroll, a bachelor of environmental management. I was preparing for tough racial clashes over differing views.

However, they hardly gave me a tough time. Rather, being Japanese gave me an edge. I was asked about whaling culture in Japan many times, always with respect, and had great discussions with every one of them. Ironically, what divided two countries was what united us.

UQ has various interesting clubs and societies, and there is one club that no one can resist joining, the UQ Harry Potter Alliance, where you actually play quidditch on brooms, as seen in the Harry Potter films. The club organizes quidditch leagues with four nearby universities, and each university represents one of the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. UQ is Ravenclaw, which values intelligence, knowledge and wit.

The funniest part of quidditch is the person in a golden body stocking who plays the game-deciding snitch ball and runs away from seekers. You are free to be who you truly are at UQ.




私は、南極海での日本の捕鯨に関する課題で自分自身を表現する機会を与えられました。(オーストラリアでは4教科だけ履修すればよく、そのとき私は3教科履修しているうちのひとつの課題が上記にあたりました。) 2013年、捕鯨賛成と反対の世論を二分する議論は以前より激しくなっていました。私が履修した強化は、捕鯨反対派が参加する環境保護マネージメント学士のものでした。私は、異なる考えに対して厳しい民族対立が起こると考えていました。






「Living & Learning: Japanese students overseas / Univ. of Queensland teaches joy of diversity」 < http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0001909634 > (2015/04/23アクセス)


ぜひ、Satoshi Tamuraさんの後輩になってみませんか。お問い合わせはこちらから。